[Software] Game Maker Studio Early Access Master Collection Portable (Key xịn, không Crack)

namlunthklnamlunthkl Posts: 66Registered
edited August 2019 in Game Maker: Studio
Game Maker Studio Early Access Master Collection
Thông tin:
  • Tên: Game Maker Studio Early Access Master Collection
  • Loại: Portable
  • Phiên bản: 1.9.466
  • Link: Click vào đây!
  • Tác giả: North Studio(namlunthkl)

NOTE: Đây là hàng xịn, Key đầy đủ, không phải crack, đề nghị AE Gần xa không đề cập lung tung :D
Nếu share, xin ghi nguồn từ blog của mình: http://nstudio.cf
Vote để có thêm RẤT RẤT RẤT nhiều bài viết hay!!!!
Version 1.99.466 06/11/2015 (Required SDKs FAQ)
Please read the release notes carefully!
PLEASE NOTE: First, backup any project you use, as they may NOT be backward compatible!

Changes (Since EA460)
More fixes to stop the IDE getting stuck trying to shut down
Enums now have code completion and syntax colouring - they look the same as macros
Warning message added on saving files when your system clock has gone back in time since the last save time (time zones/daylight saving, etc.)
Very short delay added on opening an object form before you can interact with it - stops accidentally changing object on double-clicking to open
Made obsolete the functions/constants for OpenFient, PocketChange and PlayHaven
Fix for shaders saving incorrectly and one part overwriting the other
Fix for news feed not appearing when creating a new project on the Welcome screen
Fixes for importing audio and .zip files from Marketplace assets
Fix for AV on trying to close and save changes to a timeline when you've just deleted a moment
Spine skeletons can have their animations set to null in order to reset to default
Fix for line numbers reported being out by one
Changed to a new sound engine which should be more reliable - fixes issue with initial part of sounds being missing
Removed accidental forced team ID C9E7J7HL3D for certificate used when building
Submission fix for ERROR ITMS-90475: "Invalid Bundle. iPad Multitasking support requires launch story board in bundle"
Fixes for Tests not running correctly on iOS (especially with Xcode 7)
Added device_ios_iphone6s and device_ios_iphone6splus
Bugs Fixed (since EA460)
0019084 UI: Accidental adding of D&D items on double-clicking obj [when object opens over the resource tree]
0019066 Functions: "Could not locate finalization function" error on game_restart()
0019068 Android: Android Export building for not selected architectures
0018940 Objects: Renaming an object [via its properties window] makes it not exist anymore
0019055 Spine: After cleaning cache sprites of spine displayed incorrectly
0019053 Debugger: Debugger [itself] has huge memory leak
0018987 Marketplace: Published marketplace project [audio files import] error
0017629 Marketplace: *.zip wont upload on marketplace as "included files"
0019062 HTML5: Cannot run HTML5 - blank screen, Javascript error in a system (?) function
0019121 Openfeint constants/functions back in code complete
0019118 ugc functions have a mix or camelcase and underscore typing, plus typo with "visiblity"
0019133 Functions: Pocketchange and PlayHaven functions still appear in code-completion, yet aren't valid as of EA460
0015750 Saving: Vertex shader sometimes gets overwritten by fragment shader
0019050 GGS: White text on white drop menus for UWP and Amazon Fire texture page size dropdowns
0019094 UI: [News feed window does not get created if you create a new project on Welcome screen]
0019064 iOS: Submission through iTunes Connect or Application Loader fails
0018947 Mac: Code-signing choosing non-existent code-signing identity
0019148 Saving: Trying to close timeline properties after deleting a moment can result in AV and unable to save changes
0019176 Windows Phone 8 (YYC): Game crashes on start-up after splash screen
0019079 Functions: Accented characters cause issues with specific functions
0019229 GGS: Can't enable the Amazon API checkbox if the extension is inside My Library
0017041 Android: Can not run for Android [even though apk works - "sending message to a Handler on a dead thread" error]
0019230 GGS: Disabling the Orientation checkboxes doesn't disable that orientation on Amazon Fire


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