[Script] [ACE] Map Event Memorizer

dsiver144dsiver144 Posts: 1,064Registered
[align=center][size=x-large]Map Event Memorizer[/size][/align]
[align=center][size=small]Author: Raizen[/size][/align]
[align=center][size=small]Source: www.rpgmakervxace.net[/size][/align]
[align=left][chapter]1. Chức năng[/chapter][/align]
[align=left] - Lưu vị trí của mọi event trong map, hiểu đơn giản là khi bạn di chuyển đến một map khác và trở lại map cũ thì vị trị của event vẫn ở nguyên như trước khi di chuyển sang.[/align]
[align=left][chapter]2. Video[/chapter][/align]
[align=left][chapter]3. Script[/chapter][/align]
# Event Map Memorizer
# Autor: Raizen
# Comunidade : centrorpg.com
# Compatibilidade: RMVXAce

# Description: The script allows that the event positions are saved,
# In the teleport, events on the map will be in the same position they were
# when they left that place.

# The script is configured automatically to save and load those positions
# In the moment of the teleport.

# To save manually
# Script Call: $game_map.save_event_positions

# To load manually
# Script Call: $game_map.load_event_positions

# To clear the save positions of a certain map
# where map_id is the id of the map.
# Script Call: $game_map.clear_event_positions(map_id)

module Lune_event_pos
# Switch that when it is on, it deactivates the
# automatic save, use it for rooms with puzzles 
# for example.
Switch = 1

#==================== Here starts the script ======================#

#====================  Alias methods =============================#
# reserve_transfer     => Game_Player
# initialize           => Game_Map
# perform_transfer     => Game_Player
#========================  New methods ===========================#
# save_event_positions    => Game_Map
# load_event_positions    => Game_Map
# clear_event_positions   => Game_Map

# ** Game_Map
#  Esta classe gerencia o mapa. Inclui funções de rolagem e definição de 
# passagens. A instância desta classe é referenciada por $game_map.
class Game_Map
alias :lune_memorize_initialize :initialize
  # * Inicialização das variáveis
  def initialize
    @memorize_pos = []
  # * Memorização das posições
  def save_event_positions
    @memorize_pos[@map_id] = []
    $game_map.events.values.select {|event| @memorize_pos[@map_id][event.id] = [event.x, event.y]}
  # * Carregamento das posições
  def load_event_positions
    return if @memorize_pos[@map_id] == nil
    $game_map.events.values.select {|event| event.moveto(@memorize_pos[@map_id][event.id][0], @memorize_pos[@map_id][event.id][1])}
  def clear_event_positions(map_id)
    @memorize_pos[map_id] == nil

# ** Game_Player
#  Esta classe gerencia o jogador. 
# A instância desta classe é referenciada por $game_player.
class Game_Player < Game_Character
alias lune_perform_transfer perform_transfer
alias lune_perform_reserve reserve_transfer
  # * Carregando as posições
  def perform_transfer
    $game_map.load_event_positions unless $game_switches[Lune_event_pos::Switch]
  # * Salvando as posições
  def reserve_transfer(map_id, x, y, d = 2)
    lune_perform_reserve(map_id, x, y, d = 2)
    $game_map.save_event_positions unless $game_switches[Lune_event_pos::Switch]
[chapter]4. Điều khoản sử dụng[/chapter]
 - Credit tác giả là Raizen[font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif].[/font]


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